

发布时间:2023-03-25 19:10:05编辑:小编归类:科技论文

1. 英语小论文格式模板

1 实验用原料与材料 原则:清晰、准确与简洁,使读者能再现论文中研究结果

2 实验技术与方法

1) 实验技术不要写成实验报告,而应写成学术论文

(1) 一定要叙述主要的、关键的、非一般常用的、不同于一般同类型的实验设备和仪器。 (2) 列出实验所用的设备仪器及操作过程,并说明研究过程中实验条件的变化因素及其考虑的依据和设想等。

(2) 对于实验过程,不必详细叙述。

2) 撰写实验方法部分是总体要把无重点突出,详略得当

(1) 对未知公用的方法写明其方法名称即可。

(2) 引用他人的方法、标准,已有应用而尚未为人们熟悉的方法应注明出处,并做简要介绍。

(3) 对改进或创新部分应详细介绍。

2. 英语论文格式模板范文


1、字体为 Times New Roma,大小为12 font(也就是小四)

2、行距 为1.5 或 2倍 行距,段与段之间需要空一行;

3、对齐方式为左对齐 或者 两侧对齐(总之,左起必须顶格)


3. 英语论文格式模板范文目录

英语论文中,书名是用斜体的。 英语论文的写作,主要用于参加国际学术研讨会,促进中外学术文化交流;在国际学术刊物上发表,在国际上共享科研成果,英语论文也是达到学术交流的目的;另外英语论文还包括英语相关专业人员必要地用英语撰写学术报告或毕业论文等。

4. 英语小论文格式模板图片


国内期刊英文版一般采用全称的写法,且按照中国人的习惯采用名字顺译的方式进行署名,即姓在前,名在后,姓和名的首字母需要大写,比如肖聪,写成Xiao Cong. 李国强写成Li Guoqiang(两个字的人名,第二个字首字母无需大写)。

大部分国外SCI期刊的作者名称一般也是要求写全称,但不再采用顺译的方式,而是名在前,姓在后,且姓和名的首字母需要大写,比如:王伟写成 Wei Wang,李卓写成Zhuo Li,王伟成写成Weicheng Wang(两个字的人名,第二个字首字母无需大写)。有的需要在两个名中间加上连词符,比如Wei-cheng Wang. 这种情况还可以将姓全部大写,比如写成:Wei-chengWANG。将姓名字母全部大写,更容易让国外审稿人将姓和名区分开来。

值得一提的是,名字中间连词符的使用,直接影响到文献检索的结果。因为汉字的多音字很多,且重名也很多,所以检索的结果可能会出现上百个。以“刘艳丽”为例,书写成“Yanli Liu”和“Yan-li Liu”都没有错,但是,Yanli Liu在检索时录入的缩写是Liu Y,检索结果可能出现上千篇,而Yan-li Liu在检索时录入的缩写是Liu YL,检索结果可能只有上百篇,因此运用连字符的署名方法,可以使后期文献检索方便很多。


也有部分国外期刊在发表SCI论文时名字采用缩写的方式。这种方法也是遵循名在前,姓在后的原则,不同的是,名用首字母缩写表示,比如上文的刘艳丽,可以写成“Y.L. Liu”,这与参考文献的人名署名规则是不同的。




5. 英语小论文格式模板范文


  【ABSTRACT】With the deepening of the globalization, news has become an important part of information communication between different countries.

  Whether English news translation is accurate or not may directly affect the quality of our communication with other countries. In English news report discourse, the use of metaphor expressions become more and more.

  Due to English news and other stylistic differences, as well as the English and Chinese languages, ethnic differences in ideology in the process of cross-cultural communication, make the translation of English news,

  especially English news translation of metaphor put forward great challenge to translators. So how to translate the metaphor in the English news is the mutual concern problem for translation theorists and practitioners to discuss, therefore,

  this paper attempts to from the perspective of Nida's functional equivalence theory to discuss the translation of metaphor in English news.

  The application of metaphor in English news makes events more distinct and vivid, and also make it easier for English readers to comprehend and understand the news contents.

  However, due to the differences in English and Chinese languages, the use of metaphors in English news increases the difficulty of translation. This article attempts from the perspective of Nida's functional equivalence theory to discuss the translation of metaphor in English news,

  in order to make Chinese readers better understand the same response and sense of beauty and meaning of metaphors in English news as the original readers.

  metaphor Rhetoric is not simple of translation into Chinese in English news from the literal transformation, although some rhetoric or are totally the same in form and content, while this is just a few.

  There are cultural differences in English and Chinese languages, influenced by different cultures. People's way of thinking and expression have differences inevitably. When the translator should firstly consciously ponder the intention of the author,

  dig the deep meaning hidden behind the metaphor rhetoric of background. Under the functional equivalence theory regard the translator as the guidance, conform to the language habits of the target language readers, make Chinese readers can better understand the translation of metaphor in English news.

  KEYWORD:English news; metaphor; functional equivalence theory; translation

